A man on a quest for finally properly do an archive of Panda translated works along side similar related media, a lot of the contents of this torrent are thousands of works now purged off panda , there are many genres on it here, I don’t choose what goes in here or not, just that is translated (by a human) into english, yeah many of them are stuff like loli/shota and such so is up to you whenever download this or not.
The torrent current file structure is made in a way to allow rolling updates of new content to be added, specially made for those wishing to build up their home server archives as well for this dump to be read by many types of programs/media managers.
You can find what I have been archiving over here https://github.com/UBTL/coom-archival , there are links to the stuff I already have archived and such, if you wish to get more direct contact with me you can drop by my discord server https://discord.unclebane.xyz/ .
Yeah paying the server used for storage/encoding this projects and such, any help is incredible helpful for that, you can try do so over
or if you want to donate through crypto then contact me on my server ideally to set up a wallet.
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